General News in Wetheral in Wetheral

News and updates related to Wetheral

Wetheral Parish Council

News and updates from our parish
1 minute reading time (184 words)

Community-Led Parish Plan

Residents should now have had a postcard with information on the Parish Council's community-led survey. The survey gives residents the chance to have input into the Parish Council's plan for the next five years. Topics include roads/traffic, footpaths, housing, playing fields and leisure facilities. The survey can be completed online, using the QR code on the postcard, or by following the link below.

Paper copies are available and can be obtained by contacting the Parish
Council office (01228 561687 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Paper surveys will also be distributed into the villages. Completed paper surveys can be returned to the Parish Council office at Wetheral Village Hall. 

Annual Meeting With Electors - 8th May 2024


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