General News in Wetheral in Wetheral

News and updates related to Wetheral

Wetheral Parish Council

News and updates from our parish
1 minute reading time (93 words)

Chairman's message


Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022

It is with great sorrow that I offer His Majesty King Charles III, the Royal Family and all their children, my deepest condolences on the passing of his beloved Mother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On
behalf of Wetheral Parish Council and the community it serves, I thank Her Majesty for her lifetime of unwavering service to our Country and the Commonwealth.

God Save The King.
Cllr Julia Kim Dobson
Wetheral Parish Council

New Parish Defibrillator
Grass cutting contract 2023-25


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